Regional Event Fund 2025/26 - Event Development Stream

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The Event Development stream will offer one-off grants of up to $50,000 (ex. GST) to support key strategic growth initiatives that will have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation to the event. A clear strategic rationale will be required for all initiatives together with a justification for the amount requested.

To be considered for funding through the Event Development stream, your event must:
  • have previously received and completed triennial funding through the Flagship Event stream 

  • take place between 1 July 2025 and 30 June 2026 

  • be held in one of the seven Destination Network regions listed. (Please note: the Local Government Areas of Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains and Wollondilly are not included in the Destination Networks)

  • The Organising Body must be a legal entity and not a business name 

  • align with the selection criteria outlined in the Grant Guidelines

Applicants should contact Destination NSW before starting their application to verify eligibility and discuss their event strategies. Additionally, it is recommended that applicants review the Event Development Stream Guidelines thoroughly to ensure their event aligns with the necessary requirements.
Section 1 - General Information/Opportunity Information
To be eligible to apply for Event Development funding, the applicant must agree or warrant that:
  • They are the event owner (i.e. own the rights to the event and hold the relevant approvals for the event) at the time of application and contract

  • be financially solvent or be financially viable and able to demonstrate that they are likely to remain so over the duration of the project 

  •  must have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • be a sole trader, company, partnership, unincorporated and incorporated associations, or company trust entity

  • have at least $20 million public liability insurance, or be able to secure before entering into a Funding Agreement 

  • the recipient must be a legal entity and not a business name

Not eligible to apply for Funding
Organisation Details

This is the legal name and business structure of the entity applying for the funding, to be used when contracting

Applicants must have an ABN

Contact Details

Please confirm the following:
Section 2: Event Information

Size Limit: 35 MB

By clicking on the “Submit” I, on behalf of the applicant, acknowledge and agree that 

  • I am authorised to complete this application and have read and understood the declaration and privacy statement

  • I have read and understood the Event Development Stream Grant Guidelines

  • The information provided in this application and in any attached document(s) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge

  • Confirm the organisation is not reliant on funding and the event will proceed without funding

  • Agrees that DNSW is able to publish key event details on various NSW Government websites

  • Agree for DNSW to share application / personal / contact information with relevant NSW Government agencies, NSW Government Members of Parliament, and their respective offices

  • Agree name to be used in media releases and promotion

  • Agree that by submitting this form the event organiser consents to being added to the grants administration database

  • Agree I have not provided false or misleading information